Selamat Datang di Blog Saya yang Kurang Penting ini, selamat menjelajah, dan menelusuri saya lebih dalam..

29 Desember, 2008

The Pain

Why do I love you With all my heart?
Why did I fall for you From the start?
Why do you cause me So much pain?
Why do you stick to my heart Like a stain?

Why couldn't I see You weren't gonna stay?
Why did I believe You were gonna take the pain away?
Why did you play my heart Like a game?
Why couldn't you ever Feel the same?

Why do I sit in my room all alone?
Why do I pray you would call my phone?
Why did you end it right after our one year?
Why didn't it bother you when you made my eyes tear?

Why cant I stop thinking of you,
Why can't I say goodbye
Why do I still get jealous
When I see you with another girl?

Why do you come back in my life as soon as I'm letting go?
Why do I still get butterflies when you just say hello?
Why can't I forget about you and put you in the past?
Why does a part of me still believe that me and you were made to last?

*kutipan dari seseorang*

25 Desember, 2008

Long Time No See

Kangen sama blogku yg gembel ini...
Biar gembel juga, sayang...

Banyak bgt kejadian yang tak terduga lhooo sampai kini...
Gw balikan m "U"...
entah knp, cuma mengikuti insting liar aja...
O_o (LIAR??)

Firasat David bener, gw ga akan kembali k dia setelah pulang dari carita...
Gw balikan di Carita...
Sedih mampus, Gw g ngerti mesti gmn waktu itu...
Gw biarin aja dia lempar semua brg itu k muka gw..
Gw dah ga bisa berbuat bnyak...
karena gw tw, gw yang salah.. Gw yg patut dihukum... Gw yang nyakitin dy...

Udah ah,
g m inget2 hari itu...